www.Yoonsukyul.com  Crimes of new President Yoon, his wife & mother-in-law
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Three of them are suspected fully enough to be aressted and jailed for several crimes of frauds and misfeasances. Le Monde reported new Korean firstlady is involed in working rumors as a call-girl from the time she was a college student at Kyonggi Univ., which have been partly approved by several witness including her colleague and night club customers. However, Yoon won the election in a very slim difference of 0.7% seperation with the absolute help total coalition of the conservative media i.e. Chosun daily news & TV, Donga daily news & TV whom were on the side of flattering aggressor Japan for suvival when Korea was occupied, JoongAng daily news and TV of Samsung, Munhwa daily news of Hyundai, and Segye daily news of Moonie's unification church. Yes, Korea very shamefully has let those betrayers' media run as the most powerful newspapers and broadcasting companies, not punishing, not like France whom exectuted more than ten thousands of Nazi friendly French people.

  kim Keon-hee has been involed in quite many obscene and scandalous incidents after her first marriage with a doctor and divorce.
She has kept the the private relationship with a super rich, powerful attorneys in the prosecutor's office, famous news anchor .. etc. etc.
She completed facial surgery four times perfectly enough to wash off her previous identity of a call gilr before to a wife of powerful civic attorney, Yoon Suk-Yul, whom became the prosecutor General and the new President of Korea.
She renamed herself from Myong-shin to Keon-hee which is the name of Samsung C.E.O. with the hope to be rich and powerful like him.
This Korean ciderela firstlady gave a dreadful warning in her phone talk with a newspaper reporter, that she would never be genereous at all to anyone whom would slander her background of call-girl career and several crimes of bold deceptions, and fraud degree dissertations of copy-level, etc. etc.   Chung Dae-Taek whom was invited by Keon-hee's mother as a business partner, was in trap of an evil swindle, and falsly filed to the court by a poroscutor group whom were under control of another powerful civic attorney boy friend of Keon-hee, Yang Jae-taek, had been jailed two years by the team conspiracy of her evil family.
The corruption of Kim Keon-hee contains all dirty obscene crimes of all dirty Korean elites.

Witness of customer of night club call-girl keon-hee whom got the service from her

Rigged election of dirty money which is usual in Korea.

Several false witness of Yoon, his call-girl wife, and mother-in-law

Yoon jailed the victim, not the real criminal of his acquaintance.


This ciderella has uprgaded her social-standing very much dramatically from a plain clownish fremale art major to the firstlady of south Korea, with the successful completion of four times of facial surgeries, which really is "a marvel."


Yoon and his wife are notorious for keeping odd relationship with shamans and fortunetellers.  Kim Keon-hee was
reported that she was asking for help to Moonie's wife, whom ordered the subordinates to help them at later time.
You could find where and how this kind of obscene happenings repeats in mankind history often when you look into
the cases of the corruptions of her, and her husband, and their dirty political party's, whom assembled for the profits.
These dirty elites have gathered tightly just for the opportunistic profits of the power, the money and the sex.

Seoul Nat'l University gave her Master's degree in Marketing in a very short period of flimsy course requirements in 2011, at the Presidency of Oh Yeon-Chun whom is a close frend of Hyundai CEO, Chung Mong-Joon.  Korea is a totally corrupt and spoiled nation with no doubt !
Oh Yeon-Chun lent his name to the Judiciary Mafia of Chief Justice, Yang Seung-Tae, in his writing of supporting a new system of "Appealing Court" in Chosun daily news, which practically denies the civil rights to appeal the supreme court. (article)

Kook-Min University conferred her Ph.D degree and Professor's job for the dissertation which is a copy level garbaege one. The signatures of Professors' whom admit her Ph.D dissertation are one man's signatures not five different signatures of Professors, which is a total fake job something not special in Korea like still developing countries.

    Hundreds of Professors of Seoul Nat'l Univ., Korea Uinv., Yonsei Univ. whom are the first class Korean Universities turned out being involved in "WASET" like fake academic society.  Thousands of Koreans have been involved in much worse ones than WASET.  Be very careful when you send students to south Korea whose educational fakeness is usual.





  Corrution of Yonsei Univ. after 16 years of long term administartion of Bang Woo-Young whom was the CEO of evil Chosun daily news, and Korea Univ. which is a property of evil Donga daily news. Their corruptions were various and severe from fraudulant admission of the college and embezzlement of the school money by the Professors.

Why is Korean education system that much corrupt and spoiled in spite of pouring 15% of national budget ?
Trash President, Moon Jae-In, has appointed his beloved woman to the minister of Education for four years, whom
has kept the private relationship with Moon from high teen age for decades, with the career of Eudcation "nothing."
Yoo Eun-hye was reported many bad things which were protested by many civilians, however, the love was tougher.
Trash President Moon has fulfilled the cabinet with his beloved gals whom only kept making troubles and errors.
Huggnig picture in the middle displayed in her SNS to boast that she is the one whom got loved by the ruler Moon.


-   Lawyers' tyranny of one mammoth law school in south Korea   -


I am sending this email to all law scholars and news reporters in China, Japan, the U.S. and 
European countries with the hope of increase of global watchfulness and concern about habitual 
repetitions of lawyers' tyranny and corruption in still developing countries like South Korea.
Five years of former president Lee Myong-Bak's crime regime whose corruption, together with 
that of his successor president Park Keun-Hye, is quite bizarre and severe enough to be recorded 
in Guinness Book had been possible with the definite dereliction of duty by special prosecutor 
Chung Ho-Young, who was in charge of investigating Lee Myong-Bak's several crimes. 
He was rightly called "a spokesman of Lee Myong-Bak," as a legal launcher of Lee's crime regime.
The official announcement of Chung's prosecutors team totally had Lee exempt from all allegations in 
2008, which have been used on the contrary for arresting and prosecuting Lee after ten years following 
the imprisonment of the following president Park Keun-Hye.
However, Chung, who was the vice chairman of law school alumni association of Seoul Nat'l University, 
was not prosecuted for dereliction of duty by the prosecutor's office. The graduate lawyers of Seoul 
Nat'l University occupy the Korean courts and the prosecutor's office more than sixty percent as an 
absolute powerful majority.
Both imprisonments of two former presidents had been enabled only after several days of massive 
crowd demonstrations which means the total dereliction of duties of Korean judicial organizations.

 Special prosecutor Chung's announcement on Feb 21 of 2008, Lee's inauguration on Feb 25 of 2008

Lee Myong-Bak requested Samsung to pay four billion won for the expense of attorneys in his personal 
lawsuit in the U.S. to keep the money of DAS company which had been announced by special prosecutor
Chung as the belonging of an American citizen Christopher Kim whom had been jailed full eight years as
the sole criminal of BBK stock manipulation which Lee Myong-Bak proudly announced that he founded
BBK right before Chung's official announcement. 
Chung announced that Lee Myong-Bak was totally free from any suspicion, which went totally against
the public opinion of a good majority of Korean people at that time.
President Lee granted amnesty to the CEO of Samsung after Samsung had paid the expense of attorneys
on behalf of Lee, which has become one allegation out of sixteen allegations when Lee was imprisoned.
Lee Myong-Bak appointed Yang Seung-Tae as chief justice, who is not only a law school chum of
Chung Ho-Young at the same law school, but also the former election management commissioner. 
He accused the demonstration group of opposing "four river renovation project" of Lee which has 
caused disastrous damage to the environment.  Yang accused the demonstration group of violating the
election law, while he only warned the group of Lee's campaign of advertising four river renovation.

During nine years of crime regimes of Lee Myong-Bak and Park Keun-Hye, gross household debt has 
doubled and national debt, including national pension liability, has tripled, while the number of luxurious 
foreign cars has become two million from one third million, which means uprising survival burden to 
poor people and definite abundant benefit to quite small number of opportunistic upstart riches and 
ruling elites.

Chung Ho-Young was the vice chairman of law school alumni association of Seoul Nat'l University whose
alumni dominate the Korean judiciary.
Ten supreme court judges including the chief justice are the graduates of the law school of Seoul Nat'l
University out of fourteen supreme court judges at present.
Former chief of Korean CIA whom was a faithful henchman of Lee Myong-Bak had been sentenced three 
years of imprisonment for wide range of illegal election campaign for Park Keun-Hye, who is the same 
political party politician of Lee Myong-Bak.   
However, all the supreme court judges unanimously do not approve the sentence with the reason that the 
evidence of crime was not sufficient enough to prove the crime.  The eleven supreme court judges at that 
time in the above picture out of all thirteen supreme court judges are graduates of the same law school, 
Seoul Nat'l University, which K CIA chief Won Seh-Hoon had attended.

Lee Myong-Bak appointed Kang Man-Soo the Secretary of the Treasury right after inauguration whom was
not only the same church member of Lee, but also a graduate from the law school of Seoul Nat'l Univ,
which he could exert influence to the court judges of the same school as an elder alumnus.
He had had the meeting with his younger alumni of constitutional court before the constitutional court
sentenced that the property tax law that the former government made and the congress approved was wrong.
Generally the property tax rate of Korea is lower than that of western countries. However, there is a group 
of lawyers of the law school of Seoul Nat'l Univ. whose main job is promulgating the slander that 
government activities are biased to the left when the public welfare of Korea is at the bottom group among 
OECD nations.    
The biggest Korean newspaper "Chosun Daily News" for instance whom has been notorious for decades 
for flattering the dictators, and the Chae-Bul conglomerates, had been slandering the former President 
Roh Moo-Hyun so much without having any clear evidence of crime that could be one reason why Roh
chose to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff in his home town.  
Chosun Daily News had poured utmost power on slandering leftist government and their new property tax 
law which was the sole defender against uncontrollable speculation investment of newly riches and the
group of shameless conventional elites.

< Chosun daily news' annual salute to Japanese emperor with faithful vow of obedience when Korea was
occupied by Japan (picture left), and consecutive mockeries to late presdient Roh Moo-Hyun (middle) by 
several Chosun news reporters in relay with the initiation of editor Kim Dae-Joong's (right) severe and 
habitual insulting and mockeries, which is one reason why the late President Roh chose to jump off the cliff. >
It is their super evil power to manipulate the facts for the profit of small group of newly riches, corrupt 
politicians, the regimes of dictators by exaggerating the risk of North Korean regime and social movement
of the nation which had been the trademark of dictators's grabbing power and politics for decades.
Kim Dae-Joong is one of the oldest alumni of law school of the Seoul Nat'l Univ who could bridge
the conservative party politicians with the lawyers of law school of the Seoul Nat'l Univ. 
It is one possibility that Chosun Daily News triggered the regime of Lee Myong-Bak to start constitutional
litigation to the constitutional court and has neutralized property tax politics of Roh Moo-Hyun and 
eventually has doubled the price of real estate, creating utmost survival burden to a good majority of 
Korean people.
Kim Dae-Joong has made fun of the late President Roh Moo-Hyun for years habitually in a very bad 
manner as much as showing off the forced bravery that he is the one whom can do the job.

The above news of Chosun Daily News agitated that Lee Myong-Bak foretells the stock value of Korea
shall be doubled if he is elected to the President of south Korea, which has made many innocent civilians
sell their properties and pour their money to the stock and lost.

   Sang Wook Lee,  Kook Min Bank, account 743201-04-058620   
   swift code  CZNBKRSE,  Lord's Chruch, south Korea